Solved Apache Log4j CVE-2021-44228 Vulnerability

Ayfie has fixed the reported remote code execution vulnerability in the Apache Log4j 2 Java library dubbed Log4Shell (or LogJam) for Ayfie Locator. All customers who were suspected to be affected by previous potential vulnerability have been migrated to the latest secure product version 3.4.
Last updated 21/12/21.
Updated status for all products is included in the list below.
Locator is fixed by update to Locator v3.4.
Not affected*
*Note that Supervisor is built on top of Locator. Although Supervisor itself is not affected by the Log4j vulnerabilities, it will have an underlying Locator version that could be affected. Supervisor v3 series will have an affected Locator v3 as an underlying installation.
The impact and mitigation steps are being investigated.
Not affected.
Haive Enterprise Search (aka IntelliSearch)
Not affected.
Not affected.
Customers suspecting potential compromise or in need of further assistance can find more information here or contact us below: